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Hörauf, D., & Brem, A. (2024). Organisational Creativity and Artificial Intelligence: Introduction of a Creativity Assessment for Ideation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2450027. Link
Brem, A., Nylund, P. A., & Roshani, S. (2024). Unpacking the complexities of crisis innovation: a comprehensive review of ecosystem-level responses to exogenous shocks. Review of Managerial Science, 18(8), 2441-2464. Link
Nylund, P., & Brem, A. (2024). The Complex Diffusion of Electric Vehicles: A Dominant Design Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Link
Klofsten, M., Brem, A., Guerrero, M., & Urbano, D. (2024). Intrapreneurial universities in digital times-New ways of thinking and future challenges. Technovation, 135, 103069. Link
Nylund, P. A., Brem, A., Chaudhary, P., & D’Alberti, Federico. (2024). The Impact of Crisis on Interecosystemic Innovation: Dynamics of Enel’s Hydrogen Ecosystem. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2450006. Link
Klofsten, M., Brem, A., Guerrero, M., & Urbano, D. (2024). Intrapreneurial universities in digital times-New ways of thinking and future challenges. Technovation, 135, 103069. Link
Hörauf, D., & Brem, A. (2024). Organisational Creativity and Artificial Intelligence: Introduction of a Creativity Assessment for Ideation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2450027. Link
Cooper, R. G., & Brem, A. M. (2024). The Adoption of AI in New Product Development: Results of a Multi-Firm Study in the US and Europe. Research-Technology Management, 67(3), 44-53. Link
Brem, A. (2024). Publishing in a Practice-Oriented Journal: Why and How You Should Do It. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 52(2), 6-8. Link
Malik, A. A., Masood, T., & Brem, A. (2024, March). Intelligent Humanoid Robots in Manufacturing. In Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 20-27). Link
Ferràs, X., Nylund, P., & Brem, A. (2024). Connecting The (Invisible) Dots: When Artificial Intelligence Meets Open Innovation. Link
Mangla, S. K., Luthra, S., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Jabbour, C. J. C., & Brem, A. (2024). Sustainability and Industry 4.0: The role of social, environmental and technological factors in the development of digital manufacturing. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123223. Link
Brem, A., & Rivieccio, G. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Biases: A Viewpoint. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 44(2), 223-231. Link
Rehberg, L., & Brem, A. (2024). Industrial prototyping in the German automotive industry: bridging the gap between physical and virtual prototypes. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 71, 101798. Link
Rehberg, L., & Brem, A. (2024). Bridging the gap: Linking prototyping and technology readiness levels for integrative product development. Creativity and Innovation Management. Link
Dabić, M., Kraus, S., Clauss, T., Brem, A., & Ritala, P. (2024). Business models for the sharing economy: charting the multidisciplinary research field. R&D Management. Link
Mei, L., Zhang, N., & Brem, A. (2024). Responsible research and innovation: An ambidexterity lens of generalized and specialized responsibilities. Business Strategy and the Environment. Link
Heiberger, R. H., Erhard, L., Triebel, S., & Brem, A. (2024). Creative Workers on the Move: How Cultural Fit to a New Organization Enhances Individual Performance. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2024, No. 1, p. 16013). Valhalla, NY 10595: Academy of Management.Link
Malik, A. A., & Brem, A. (2024). DT-Sustain: A Sustainability Framework to Develop Digital-Twin Defined Manufacturing Systems. Link
Pradhan, R. P., Arvin, M. B., Nair, M. S., Bennett, S. E., Brem, A. (2024). Do innovation and institutional quality elevate economic growth? Empirical evidence from developing countriesInternational Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. Link
Zhao, Z., Haikel-Elsabeh, M., Baudier, P., Renard, D., Brem, A. (2024). Functional, hedonic, and social motivated consumer innovativeness as a driver of word-of-mouth in smart object early adoptions: an empirical examination in two product categories. International Journal of Technology Management, 95(1-2), 226-252. Link
Holder, D., Peter, A., Kirsch, M. et al. (2024). Enhancing heat transfer at low temperatures by laser functionalization of the inner surface of metal pipes. Sci Rep 14, 2557 Link
Ackermann, A., Demleitner, M., Guhathakurta, J, Carosella, S., Ruckdäschel, H., Simon, S., Fox, B.L., & Middendorf, P. (2023). Mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of amine- and non-functionalized reduced graphene oxide/epoxy carbon fiber-reinforced polymers. Polymer Composites (vol. 4, issue 8, S. 4937-4954). Link
Attalah, I., Nylund, P. A., & Brem, A. (2023). Who captures value from hackathons? Innovation contests with collective intelligence tools bridging creativity and coupled open innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management, caim.12552. Link
Bozkurt, A., Schneider, K., Schneider, F., Loy, S., Jan-Erik, J., Schulz, R. (2023). Untersuchung der 5G Indoor-Lokalisierung in der Intralogistik. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Technische Logistik.
Bozkurt, A., Schulz, R. (2023). Asset Administration Shell and Knowledge Graph-based Production Logistics Planning in Fluid Manufacturing Systems. Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Technische Logistik.
Bozkurt, A., Fries, C., Tasci, T., Leberle, U. et al. (2023). Cyber-Physical-Systems for Fluid Manufacturing Systems.
Chaudhary, P., Tryggvason, F., Giones, F., Ackermann, C., & Brem, A. (2023). ARENA2036: A Collaborative Space for the Future of Mobility and Production. In O. Madsen, U. Berger, C. Møller, A. Heidemann Lassen, B. Vejrum Waehrens, & C. Schou (Hrsg.), The Future of Smart Production for SMEs (S. 139–153). Springer International Publishing. Link
Ferràs-Hernández, X., Nylund, P. A., & Brem, A. (2023). The Emergence of Dominant Designs in Artificial Intelligence. California Management Review, 000812562311643. Link
Haessler, P., Giones, F., & Brem, A. (2023). The who and how of commercializing emerging technologies: A technology-focused review. Technovation, 121, 102637. Link
Hermann, Florian; Michalowski, Andreas; Brünnette, Tim; Reimann, Peter; Vogt, Sabrina; Graf, Thomas (2023): Data-Driven Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification of Process Parameters for Directed Energy Deposition. In: Materials (Basel, Switzerland) 16 (23), S. 7308. DOI: 10.3390/ma16237308.
Holder, D., Weber, R., Hagenlocher, C., & Graf, T. (2023). Analytical model for the calculation of the depth progress of V-shaped grooves obtained by laser ablation with ultrashort pulses. Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023, München. Link
Lind, J., Hagenlocher, C., Weckenmann, N., Blazquez-Sanchez, D., Ackermann, C., Weber, R., & Graf, T. (2023). Adjustment of the cutting front and kerf by means of beam shaping to increase the speed of laser cutting. Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023, München. Download
Kiefl, N., Wulle, F., Ackermann, C., Holder, D. (2023). Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Towards Software-Defined Manufacturing and Resilient Supply Chains. Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2022). Springer Cham. Link
Saleh, R., & Brem, A. (2023). Creativity for sustainability: An integrative literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 388, 135848. Link
Wöhrl, A., Korte, S., Bartl, M., Bilgram, V., & Brem, A. (2023). How to Leverage the Right Users at the Right Time Within User-Centric Innovation Processes. In L. Bstieler (Hrsg.), The PDMA handbook of new product development (Fourth edition, S. 315–336). John Wiley & Sons Inc. Link
Yu, F., Stolzenberg, R., & Brem, A. (2023). Assessment of the mono-disciplinary approaches and interdisciplinary approaches in prototyping practice. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 67, 101729. Link
Vahs, D., Brem, A. & Oswald, C. (2023). Innovationsmanagement: Von der Idee zur erfolgreichen Vermarktung. Schäffer-Poeschel. (6. Auflage)
A. Ackermann, S. Carosella, M. Rettenmayr, B. Fox und P. Middendorf (2022). "Rheology, dispersion, and cure kinetics of epoxy filled with amine‐ and non‐functionalized reduced graphene oxide for composite manufacturing." Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139 (8), 51664. Link
A. Ackermann, M. Fischer, A. Wick, S. Carosella, B. Fox und P. Middendorf (2022). "Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites with Amine-Functionalized Reduced Graphene Oxide via Plasma Treatment." Journal of Composites Science, 6(6), 153. Link
S. Battisti, N. Agarwal und A. Brem (2022). Creating new tech entrepreneurs with digital platforms: Meta-organizations for shared value in data-driven retail ecosystems. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175, 121392. Link
A. Bozkurt, R. Weiner, I. Rusch und R. Schulz (2022). "Exploring the Requirements and Challenges in Production Logistics for Different Sectors of the Manufacturing Industry". In A.-L. Andersen, R. Andersen, T. D. Brunoe, M. S. S. Larsen, K. Nielsen, A. Napoleone, & S. Kjeldgaard (Eds.), Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. Springer International Publishing, 475–482. Link
J. Dąbrowska, A. Almpanopoulou, A. Brem, H. Chesbrough, V. Cucino, A. Di Minin, F. Giones, H. Hakala, C. Marullo, A. Mention, L. Mortara, S. Nørskov, P. A. Nylund, C. M. Oddo, A. Radziwon und P. Ritala. (2022). "Digital transformation, for better or worse: A critical multi‐level research agenda." R&D Management, radm.12531. Link
A. Danuso, F. Giones, und E. Ribeiro de Silva (2022). "The Digital Transformation of Industrial Players, A Guide." In: Business Horizons, Vol. 65(3). Link
A. Ebolor, N. Agarwal und A. Brem (2022). "Fostering the Sustainable Development Goals with technologies underpinned by frugal innovation." International Journal of Technology Management, 88(2-4), 155-174. Link
F. Hermann, S. Vogt, M. Göbel, M. Möller und K. Frey. (2022). "Laser Metal Deposition of AlSi10Mg with high build rates". Procedia CIRP, 111, 210–213. Link
F. Hermann, B. Chen, G. Ghasemi, V. Stegmaier, T. Ackermann, P. Reimann, S. Vogt, T. Graf und M. Weyrich. (2022). "A Digital Twin Approach for the Prediction of the Geometry of Single Tracks Produced by Laser Metal Deposition." Procedia CIRP, 107, 83–88. Link
Holder, D., Henn, M., Peter, A., Faas, S., Feuer, A., Freitag, C., Weber, R., Onuseit, V., & Graf, T. (2022). Ultrafast laser applications in the kW‐class: From drilling and cutting to surface structuring and micromilling. PhotonicsViews, 19(3), 40–46. Link
Holder, D., Hensel, S., Peter, A., Weber, R., & Graf, T. (2022). Beam Shaping for Uniform and Energy-efficient Surface Structuring of Metals with Ultrashort Laser Pulses in the mJ Range. Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 17(1). Link
Holder, D., Hetzel, F., Weber, R., & Graf, T. (2022). Surface treatment of additively manufactured metal parts for any arbitrary wetting state between superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic. Procedia CIRP, 111, 715–720. Link
E. Ribeiro da Silva, C. Schou, S. Hjorth, F. Tryggvason und M. S. Sørensen (2022). "Plug & Produce robot assistants as shared resources: A simulation approach." Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 63, 107–117. Link
S. Kurz, J. Stillig und N. Parspour (2022). "Concept of a Scalable Communication System for Industrial Wireless Power Transfer Modules." 2022 4th Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), 124–129. Link
N. Wang, W. Xie, A. Ali, A. Brem und S. Wang (2022). "How do individual characteristics and social capital shape users’ continuance intentions of smart wearable products?." Technology in Society, 68, 101818. Link
C. Ackermann, M. Fechter und P. Froeschle.(2021). "Thinking Innovation Ahead – Joint Semantic Modelling for Integrated Product and Production at the Research Campus Arena2036". In K. Dröder und T. Vietor (Hrsg.): Technologies for economic and functional lightweight design: Conference proceedings 2020. Springer Verlag, Berlin u. Heidelberg, 59–68. Link
N. Agarwal und A. Brem (Hrsg.) (2021). „Frugal Innovation and Its Implementation: Leveraging Constraints to Drive Innovations on a Global Scale." Springer Nature. Link
N. Agarwal, J. Oehler und A. Brem (2021). „Constraint-based thinking: A structured approach for developing frugal innovations.” In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 68(3). Link
S. Ármane, S. I. Gärtig, S. Tegtmeier und A. Brem (2021). „STEM educated women entrepreneurs in Denmark, Latvia and Turkey: a context-based explorative study.”In: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 13(2), 186–216. Link
M. Arribas-Ibar, P. A. Nylund und A. Brem.(2021). "The Risk of Dissolution of Sustainable Innovation Ecosystems in Times of Crisis: The Electric Vehicle during the COVID-19 Pandemic". In: Sustainability, 13(3), 1319. Link
A. K. Bachmann, T. Maran, M. Furtner, A. Brem, und M. Welte (2021). „Improving entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the attitude towards starting a business venture.” In: Review of Managerial Science, 15(6), 1707–1727. Link
A. Bozkurt, J. Popp und C. Kueber. (2021). "Innovative Selection Method for Internal Logistics Concepts Based on Material Data." In: 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA), 621–626. Link
A. Bozkurt, T. Tasci, R. Schulz und A. Verl. (2021). "Designing of Smart Logistics Modules as Cyber-physical systems for Load carriers." In: Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Technische Logistik e. V. (Hrsg.): Tagungsband zum 17. Fachkolloquium der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Technische Logistik e. V. (WGTL). Issue 17. S. 148-155 Link
M. Brand, V. Tiberius, P. M. Bican und A. Brem (2021). „Agility as an innovation driver: towards an agile front end of innovation framework.” In: Review of Managerial Science, 15(1), 157–187. Link
A. Brem, E. Viardot und P. A. Nylund. (2021). "Implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak for innovation: Which technologies will improve our lives?" In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 163, 120451. Link
A. Brem, F. Giones und M. Werle(2021). "The AI Digital Revolution in Innovation: A Conceptual Framework of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for the Management of Innovation." In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 1–7. Link
A. Brem (2021). "Was würde Schumpeter tun? Entrepreneurship in Zeiten der Covid-Pandemie." In: ZfKE–Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 69(2), 137–145. Link
A. Brem (Hrsg.) (2021). “Emerging Issues And Trends In Innovation And Technology Management.” In: World Scientific. Link
A. Brem und P. A. Nylund (2021). "Maneuvering the bumps in the New Silk Road: Open innovation, technological complexity, dominant design, and the international impact of Chinese innovation.” In: R&D Management, 51(3), 293–308. Link
K. Brockhoff und A. Brem (2021) "Forschung und Entwicklung: Planung und Organisation des F&E-Managements". De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Link
T. Degler, N. Agarwal, P. A. Nylund und A. Brem (2021). „Sustainable innovation types: A bibliometric review.”In: International Journal of Innovation Management, 2150096. Link
F. Giones, K.Kleine und S. Tegtmeier (2021). "Students as scientists’ co-pilots at the onset of technology transfer: A two-way learning process." In: The Journal of Technology Transfer. Link
M. Hossfeld, C. Ackermann und C. Griffy-Brown (2021). "A Cyberphysical Vehicle Platform for the Mobility of the Future Creating New Value Networks and Business Models". In: IEEE Engineering Management Review, 1–1. Link
D. Korte und Books on Demand GmbH (2021). "Konzept eines sicherheitsbezogenen Sensorsystems für die Erkennung von Personen im Umfeld fahrerloser Transportfahrzeuge." Link
A. A. Malik und A. Brem (2021). "Digital twins for collaborative robots: A case study in human-robot interaction. In Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 68, 102092. Link
C. Markmann, A. Spickermann, H. A. von der Gracht und A. Brem (2021). „Improving the question formulation in Delphi‐like surveys: Analysis of the effects of abstract language and amount of information on response behavior.” In: Futures & Foresight Science, 3(1). Link
P. A. Nylund und A. Brem (2021). „Do open innovation and dominant design foster digital innovation?”. In: International Journal of Innovation Management, 2150098. Link
P. A. Nylund, A. Brem und N. Agarwal. (2021). "Innovation ecosystems for meeting sustainable development goals: The evolving roles of multinational enterprises". In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 281, 125329. Link
P. A. Nylund, X. Ferras-Hernandez und A. Brem. (2020). "Automating profitably together: Is there an impact of open innovation and automation on firm turnover?" In: Review of Managerial Science, 14(1), 269–285. Link
F. Scheuenstuhl, P. M. Bican und A. Brem (2021). „How can the lean startup approach improve the innovation process of established companies? An experimental approach.”In: International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(03), 2150029. Link
T. Schlotthauer, S. R. Raisch, A. Dorneich, T. Heckner, T. Mohr und P. Middendorf. (2021). "Partially individualized and traceable injection molded parts through in situ joining of additive manufactured sub-components". In: 27. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium. Stuttgart. Link
T. Schneider, S. Ghellal, S. Love und A.R.S. Gerlicher. (2021). "Increasing the User Experience in Autonomous Driving through different Feedback Modalities". In: 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 7–10. Link
T. Schneider, J. Hois, A. Rosenstein, S. Ghellal, D. Theofanou-Fülbier und A.R.S. Gerlicher (2021). "ExplAIn Yourself! Transparency for Positive UX in Autonomous Driving." In: Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–12. Link
T. Schneider, J. Hois, A. Rosenstein, R. Lazzara, S. Love und A. R. S. Gerlicher (2021). "Velocity Styles for Autonomous Vehicles affecting Control, Safety, and User Experience". In: Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 1–2. Link
J. Stillig und N. Parspour (2021). "Novel Infrastructure Platform for a Flexible and Convertible Manufacturing." In: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal. 6(1): 356–368. Link
S. Wagner, P. M. Bican und A. Brem (2021). „Critical success factors in the front end of innovation: Results from an empirical study.” In: International Journal of Innovation Management, 25(04), 2150046. Link
N. Wang, V. Tiberius, X. Chen, A. Brem und F. Yu (2021). „Idea selection and adoption by users–a process model in an online innovation community.” In: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 33(9), 1036–1051. Link
P. Weißgraeber, F. Heieck und C. Ackermann (Hrsg.). (2021). "Advances in Automotive Production Technology – Theory and Application: Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production (SCAP2020)". Springer Verlag, Berlin u. Heidelberg. Link
Z. Zhao, M. Haikel-Elsabeh, P. Baudier, D. Renard und A. Brem (2021). „Need for uniqueness and word of mouth in disruptive innovation adoption: the context of self-quantification.” In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Link
C. Ackermann und M. Hossfeld, "Höhere Wesen befahlen: Negotiating Conveyor Belt and Idleness". In The International Journal of Critical Cultural Studies 18 (2): 25-32, Common Ground Research Networks, 2020. Link
A. Al Assadi, C. Fries, M. Fechter, B. Maschler, D. Ewert, H.-G. Schnauffer, M. Zürn und M. Reichenbach. "User-friendly, requirement based assistance for production workforce using an asset administration shell design". Procedia CIRP, 91, 402–406. 2020. Link
ARENA2036 e.V., "Innovationsinitiative Leitungssatz - Ergebnisse aus der Phase 1", Stuttgart, 2020. Link
H. Angerer et al., Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie [Hrsg.], "Leitfaden 5G-Campusnetze – Orientierungshilfe für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen". Berlin, 2020 [Online]. Link
T. Bauernhansl, M. Fechter und T. Dietz, "Entwicklung, Aufbau und Demonstration einer wandlungsfähigen (Fahrzeug-) Forschungsproduktion". Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2020. Link
A. Brem, C. Wimschneider, A. R. de Aguiar Dutra, A. L. Vieira Cubas und R. D. Ribeiro. (2020). "How to design and construct an innovative frugal product? An empirical examination of a frugal new product development process". In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 275, 122232. Link
A. Damm, C. Spitzmüller, A. Raichele, A. Bühler, P. Weißgraeber, und P. Middendorf, "Deep learning for impact detection in composite plates with sparsely integrated sensors". In: Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 29, Nr. 12, 2020. Link
J. Dittmann und F. Heieck, “Simulation@ARENA2036: Vom Anfang bis zum Ende der Simulationswertschöpfungskette,” Fellbach, Germany, 04-Feb-2020, presented at 8. Fachkongress Composite Simulation, Fellbach, Germany. Link
C. Fries, A. Al Assadi, M. Fechter, S. Grimm, T. Bauernhansl, A. Bozkut, R. Schulz, "Fluide Fahrzeugproduktion – BMBF geförderter Forschungscampus für die Mobilität der Zukunft". In: VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion, Jg. 161 (11), VDI Fachmedien, 2019. Link
C. Fries, H.-H. Wiendahl und A. Al Assadi. "Design concept for the intralogistics material supply in matrix productions". Procedia CIRP, 91, 33–38.2020. Link
C. Fries, H.-H. Wiendahl und P. Foith-Förster. "Planung zukünftiger Automobilproduktionen". In T. Bauernhansl, M. Fechter und T. Dietz (Hrsg.), Entwicklung, Aufbau und Demonstration einer wandlungsfähigen (Fahrzeug-) Forschungsproduktion (S. 19–43). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2020. Link
R. Hellmuth und J. Frohnmayer, “Requirements Engineering for Stakeholders of Factory Conversion: LoD Visualization of a Research Factory via AR Application,” Graz, Austria, 16-Apr-2020 [Online]. Link
J. Hodapp, C. Arcidiancono, M. Schiemann, and M. Reichenbach, “Advances in Automated Generation of Convolutional Neural Networks from Synthetic Data in Industrial Environments,” Maui, Hawaii (USA), 10.01-2020, presented at The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii (USA). Link
M. Hossfeld und C. Ackermann, Eds., "Leichtbau durch Funktionsintegration". Berlin: Springer Vieweg, 2020. Link
M. Hossfeld, C. Ackermann und T. Dietz. „Eine Redefinition des Plattformbegriffs – Neue Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke und Geschäftsmodelle der Mobilität der Zukunft“. In Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität – Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte, 423–32. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 2020. Link
J. Stillig und N. Parspour. "Advanced Manufacturing based on the Intelligent Floor: An Infrastructure Platform for the Convertible Production in the Factory of the Future". In 2020 IEEE 20th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference ( MELECON), 248–253, 2020. Link
J. Stillig und N. Parspour. "Novel Concept for Wireless Power Transfer Modules". In 2020 2nd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Wireless Sensors and Powering (BCWSP), 167–172, 2020. Link
A. Ackermann, S. Carosella, P. Middendorf, and B. Fox, “Einfluss der Oberflächenfunktionalisierung von Graphenpartikeln auf die Eigenschaften und die Verarbeitung von Nanokompositen,” presented at the Hybride Materialien - Nano goes Macro, Nürnberg, 2019.
C. Ackermann, “Enabling Innovation – The Benefits of Transdisciplinarity,” Cluj-Napoca (Romania) / Remote, 30-May-2019, presented at Cluj Innovation Days 2019 – Bridging Organizational Change and Digital Potential, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) / Remote. Link
C. Ackermann, M. Hossfeld, and T. Dietz, “Eine Redefinition des Plattformbegriffs – Neue Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke und Geschäftsmodelle der Mobilität der Zukunft,” Duisburg, 23-May-2019, presented at Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität, Duisburg. Link
C. Ackermann, J. Kleinen, and M. Hossfeld, “Playing on the Ludic Drive—The Potentials of Meaningful Gamification,” The Journal of Communication and Media Studies, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 35–43, 2019. Link
J. Dittmann, A. Friedrichs, A. Nassen, S. Facciotto, and P. Middendorf, “Transient dual-phase void prediction in microscopic yarn models with openfoam,” presented at Twenty-second international conference on composite materials (ICCM22), Melbourne, 2019. Link
M. Hardt, M. Hossfeld, C. Ackermann, and K.-H. Füller, “Offene Fahrzeugplattform für update- und upgradefähige Fahrzeuge,” ATZ produktion, vol. 04/2019, pp. 10–15, 2019. Link
M. Schiemann, J. Hodapp, M. Zürn, and U. Berger, “Roboskin: Increased Robot Working Speed Within Human-Robot-Collaboration Safety Regulations,” in 2019 5th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR),Peking, China, 2019, pp. 85–91. Link
M. Schiemann, M. Zürn, M. Reichenbach, and U. Berger, “Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration im Spannungsfeld von Rekonfigurierbarkeit, Sicherheit und Effizienz,” Baden-Baden, 03.07-2019, presented at 20. Leitkongress der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik AUTOMATION 2019 – Autonomous Systems and 5G in Connected Industrie, Baden-Baden. Link
T. Schlotthauer and P. Middendorf, “Prozessgrenzen bei der stereolithografischen Herstellung von Kohlenstoff-kurzfaserverstärktem Kunststoff,” in Tagungsband, Stuttgart, 2019.
J. Dittmann and P. Middendorf, Eds., "Der digitale Prototyp". Heidelberg: Springer Vieweg, 2019. Link
C. Ackermann, “Transdisciplinary Careers Beyond the Academy: Linking Humanities and Science,” Eugene, OR (USA), 15-Oct-2018, Eugene, OR (USA). Link
M. Andulkar, J. Hodapp, T. Reichling, M. Reichenbach, and U. Berger, “Training CNNs from Synthetic Data for Part Handling in Industrial Environments,” in 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2018, pp. 624–629. Link
K. Bahroun, “Herstellung funktionsintegrierte Leichtbaukomponenten für zukünftige elektromobile Anwendungen,” Renningen, 23-Jan-2018, presented at Leichtbauforum BW, Renningen.
K. Bahroun, S. Küppers, and E. Frank, “Leichtbau mit Funktionsintegration am Beispiel eines Fahrzeugunterbodens mit induktiver Ladespule,” Dresden, 23-Mar-2018, presented at Deutsche Fachkolloquium Textil, Dresden. Link
P. Böhler, T. Dietz, J. Dittmann, K. Fürderer, and M. Hossfeld, “ARENA2036 – Der Forschungscampus für Arbeit, Mobilität und Produktion der Zukunft,” wt Werkstattstechnik online, vol. 108, no. 3, pp. 124–131, 2018. Link
P. Böhler, J. Dittmann, C. Liebold, H. Finkh, M. Holzapfel, and M. Vinot, “ARENA2036 & the Digital Prototype: Introduction and Overview,” Bamberg, Germany, 2018, presented at 15. Deutsches LS-Dyna Forum, Bamberg, Germany. Link
P. Böhler et al., “Der Digitale Prototyp - Ganzheitlicher Digitaler Prototyp im Leichtbau für die Großserienproduktion,” presented at Technologietag Hybrider Leichtbau, Stuttgart, Germany, 2018. Link
J. Dittmann and P. Middendorf, “Experimental Validation of Numerical Dual-Scale Permeability Prediction.,” presented at FPCM 14, Lulea, Sweden, 2018. Link
J. Dittmann and P. Middendorf, “Infiltration Simulation and Virtual Permeability Determination for the Digital Prototype,” Bamberg, 2018, presented at 15. Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg.
J. Hodapp, M. Andulkar, T. Reichling, M. Reichenbach, and U. Berger, “Training CNNs from Synthetic Data for Part Handling in Industrial Environments,” 2018, presented at CASE 2018: 14th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. Link
J. Hodapp, T. Reichling, M. Andulkar, and U. Berger, “Improvements in Robot Teaching for Handling Operations in Production Environments,” presented at ISR 2018 - 50th International Symposium on Robotics, Müchen, Germany, 2018. Link
M. Hossfeld, “Hybrider Leichtbau mit Funktionsintegration im cyberphysischen Fahrzeug von morgen,” Graz, Austria, 07-Mar-2018, presented at Leichtbaukongress 2018, Graz, Austria. Link
M. Hossfeld and C. Ackermann, “Future Networked Manufacturing - A Breakthrough Concept And Its Implementation,” ACTA TECHNICA NAPOCENSIS-Series: APPLIED MATHEMATICS, MECHANICS, and ENGINEERING, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 475–482, 2018. Link
M. Hossfeld and C. Ackermann, “Future Networked Manufacturing – A Breakthrough Concept and its Implementation,” Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 25-Jul-2018, presented at ICPR-AEM / QIEM, Cluj-Napoca (Romania). Link
M. Hossfeld and C. Ackermann, “Open Innovation im vorwettbewerblichen Umfeld – Hürden, Perspektiven und neue Chancen für den Industriestandort Deutschland,” Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, 19-Mar-2018, presented at Open Innovation Kongress Baden-Württemberg 2018, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart.
J. Kleinen, C. Ackermann, and M. Hossfeld, “Playing on the Ludic Drive – The Potentials of Meaningful Gamification,” Berkeley, CA (USA), 18-Oct-2018, presented at Third International Conference on Communication & Media Studies, Berkeley, CA (USA). Link
M. Schiemann, J. Hodapp, and U. Berger, “Collaboration-Gap: A bus-modular architecture for human-robot-collaboration systems in production environments,” Proceedings of ISR 2018: 50th International Symposium on Robotics, 2018. Link
M. Vinot, M. Holzapfel, and C. Liebold, “A Multiscale Strategy for the Simulation of Braided Composites with ENVYO,” Bamberg, Germany, 2018, presented at 15. Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg, Germany. Link
K. Bahroun, “Integration elektrotechnischer Komponenten im Kunststoff-Leichtbau,” Karlsruhe, 22.06-2017, presented at FIPCO Functional Integrated Plastic Components 2017, Karlsruhe.
U. Berger, T. Reichling, J. Hodapp, M. Zürn, and M. Reichenbach, “Smarte Produktionsassistenten für die wandlungsfähige Produktion (smart manufacturing assistants for the versatile production): Neue Fertigungskonzepte im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation (New manufacturing concepts in times of the digital transformation),” atp edition, vol. 59, pp. 44–51, 2017. Link
P. Böhler, J. Dittmann, D. Michaelis, P. Middendorf, and C. Liebold, “Manufacturing Simulation as Part of the Digital Prototype,” presented at 11th European LS-DYNA Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 2017. Link
V. Diermann, “Towards a multidisciplinary optimization of a body in white including whole vehicle crashworthiness load cases: The complexity of automated evaluation shown on the example of a beam cross member,” in Proceedings of the International CAE Conference, Vicenza, Italy, 2017.
J. Dittmann, F. Dollinger, L. Kauffmann, and P. Middendorf, “Numerical Permeability Prediction with OpenFOAM,” presented at 25. Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium, Stuttgart, Germany, 2017. Link
J. Dittmann, S. Hügle, P. Seif, L. Kauffmann, and P. Middendorf, “Permeability Prediction Using Porous Yarns in a Dual-Scale Simulation with Openfoam,” presented at IInternational Conference on Composite Materials (CCM 21), Xi’an, China, 2017. Link
H. Finckh, F. Fritz, A. Dinkelmann, and G. T. Gresser, “Textile Process Simulation as Part of Process Chain,” presented at 11th European LS-DYNA Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 2017. Link
B. Fox et al., “Smarte Kunststoff-Bauteile für Automotive Innovation und Industrie 4.0,” ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 112, no. 7–8, pp. 522–525, Aug. 2017. Link
M. Hossfeld and C. Ackermann, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution,” Seoul, Korea, 16-Nov-2017, presented at Seoul Future Forum, Seoul, Korea. Link
C. Liebold et al., “The Digital Prototype as Part of Envyo® - Development History and Applications within the ARENA2036 Environment,” presented at 11th European LS-Dyna Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 2017. Link
C. Liebold and M. Vinot, “Utilizing the digital prototype for a closed simulation process chain and data management,” in 17. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium. Proceedings, Wiesbaden, 2017, pp. 823–837. Link
I. Suditsch, “Interdisziplinärer Fachsprachenkontakt - Fallstudie Arena2036,” Universität Stuttgart, 2017. Link
M. Vinot and M. Holzapfel, “Benefits of the Mapping Tool ENVYO for Simulation of Braided Composites,” Stuttgart, Germany, 2017, presented at LS-Dyna Informationstag Envyo, Stuttgart, Germany. Link
M. Vinot and M. Holzapfel, “Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchung von geflochtenen CFK-Rohren unter Stauchbelastung zur Abschätzung des Energieabsorptionspotenzials,” presented at AG-Sitzung "Strukturelle Integrität und UAG Composite Fatigue, Augsburg, Germany, 2017. Link
M. Vinot, M. Holzapfel, and C. Liebold, “Investigating the influence of local fiber architecture in textile composites by the help of a mapping tool,” presented at 11th European LS-Dyna Conference, Salzburg, Austria, 2017. Link
S. Vohrer, C. David, M. Ruff, and H. E. Friedrich, “Funktionsintegrierte Faserverbundstrukturen im Fahrzeugbau,” in Tagungsband LLC 2017, Landshut, Deutschland, 2017, pp. 198–208. Link
K.Bahroun, “Arena2036 – Neue Produktionskonzepte für den funktionsintegrierten Leichtbau,” Stuttgart, 22-Nov-2016, presented at INNONET Innovationstag 2016, Stuttgart. Link
P. Böhler, J. Dittmann, D. Michaelis, and P. Middendorf, “Digit-Pro - Digital Prototype Build-up using the Example of Braided Structure,” in Conference proceedings / 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference : IMTC 2015 Lightweight Structures, Chemnitz, Germany, 2016, pp. 201–210. Link
P. Böhler, J. Dittmann, D. Michaelis, and P. Middendorf, “Prozesssimulation als Basis für die Industrie 4.0,” Lightweight Design, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 14–19, Nov. 2016. Link
J. Dittmann, P. Middendorf, and S. Hügle, “Numerical 3D Permeability Prediction Using Computational Fluid Dynamics,” presented at FPCM 13, Kyoto, 2016. Link
J. Dittmann et al., “Numerische Prozesskette für die Auslegung von geflochtenen Fahrzeugkomponenten – Nutzen und Herausforderungen,” in Faszination hybrider Leichtbau : Beiträge zur gleichnamigen Tagung vom 24. und 25. Mai 2016, MobileLifeCampus, Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany, 2016, pp. 289–303. Link
H. Finckh, F. Fritz, and G. T. Gresser, “Textile Process Simulation for Composite Structures,” presented at 14. LS-DYNA Forum, Bamberg, Germany, 2016. Link
J. Hodapp, T. Reichling, and U. Berger, “MRK als ergonomische Unterstützung in der Produktion,” 2016, presented at 3. VDI-Fachkonferenz: Assistenzroboter in der Produktion 2016.
S. Junker and M. Vorderer, “Highly versatile plug & produce assembly systems,” in 16. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium, Wiesbaden, 2016, pp. 517–534. Link
L. Klein and P. Middendorf, “Designte Sensorfunktionalität im Automobilleichtbau mit Faserverbundkunststoff (eine Systembetrachtung),” in Smarte Strukturen und Systeme: Tagungsband des 4SMARTS Symposiums vom 6. - 7. April 2016 in Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, 2016, pp. 194–208. Link
S. Küppers et al., “ARENA2036 FVK-Leichtbau durch Funktionsintegration 一 Ein Zwischenstand,” in Faszination hybrider Leichtbau : Beiträge zur gleichnamigen Tagung vom 24. und 25. Mai 2016, MobileLifeCampus, Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany, 2016, pp. 270–288.
A. Verl, M. Vorderer, F. Kretschmer, and M. Fechter, “Wandlungsfähige Produktion von morgen,” wt Werkstattstechnik online, vol. 106, no. 7/8, pp. 533–538, 2016. Link
S. Vohrer, G. Kopp, H. Friedrich, V. Diermann, and T. Sommer-Dittrich, “ARENA2036 - Fiber Reinforced Plastic Structures with Functional Integration,” presented at JEC Forums Knoxville 2016 - International Conference on Automotive Technology, Knoxville, USA, 2016. Link
M. Vorderer, S. Junker, A. Lechler, and A. Verl, “CESA3R: Highly versatile plug-and-produce assembly system,” in 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Fort Worth, TX, USA, 2016, pp. 745–750. Link
M. Vorderer, S. Junker, A. Lechler, and A. Verl, “Wandlungsfähiges Konzept für die Montage 4.0. Erhöhung der Wandlungsfähigkeit von automatisierten Montageanlagen,” wt Werkstattstechnik online, vol. 106, no. 5, pp. 314–319, 2016. Link
J. Warschat, E. Grochowski, and J. Dasher, “The impact of collaboration with big companies on entrepreneurial technology innovation,” in 2016 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2016, pp. 410–419. Link
P. Ohlhausen, D. Palm, E. Grochowski, B. Pokorni, and S. Rothenberg, Eds., "Interdisziplinäre, interorganisationale Produktentstehung im Automobilbau der Zukunft: Untersuchung im Forschungscampus ARENA2036," Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag, 2016. Link
K. Bahroun, E. Giebel, L. Klein, S. Küppers, and S. Zuleger, “ARENA2036 - Integration of energy storage and transmission systems into a CFRP floor module,” in Conference proceedings / 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference : IMTC 2015 Lightweight Structures, Chemnitz, Germany, 2015, pp. 309–312.
H. Christof et al., “lntegrated Sensors for Structural Health and Crash Monitoring in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers,” in 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference, IMTC 2015, Chemnitz, 2015.
T. Dietz, P. Foith-Förster, and M. Hägele, “Agile production of vehicles with multi-material structures,” in Conference proceedings / 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference : IMTC 2015 Lightweight Structures, Chemnitz, Germany, 2015, pp. 323–326. Link
M. Grochowski and P. Ohlhausen, “Cooperation models as success factor for interdisciplinary, inter-organizational research and development in the automotive industry,” in 2015 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, OR, USA, 2015, pp. 270–279. Link
M. Grochowski, E. Hoos, S. Waitzinger, D. Spath, and B. Mitschang, “Web-based collaboration system for interdisciplinary and interorganizational development teams: case study,” presented at 23rd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR, Manila, Philippines, 2015. Link
M. Grochowski et al., “Produktentstehungsprozess in den frühen Phasen unter Berücksichtigung der Herausforderungen im Forschungscampus ARENA2036,” presented at Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung, Stuttgart, Germany, 2015. Link
M. Grochowski, S. Schröter, R. Spahr, Ö. Güc, C. Krög, and P. Ohlhausen, “Kooperationsmodelle für die interdisziplinäre, interorganisationale Entwicklung in der Automobilindustrie,” presented at Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung, Stuttgart, Germany, 2015. Link
E. Grochowski, R. Nagele, and P. Ohlhausen, “Interdisciplinary, cross-company new product development in the future automotive industry-the case ARENA2036,” in Proceedings of the ISPIM Innovation Summit, Brisbane, Australia, 2015. Link
R. Hoogeven, “Cross cutting research on the research campus ARENA2036,” in Conference proceedings / 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference : IMTC 2015 Lightweight Structures, Chemnitz, Germany, 2015, pp. 343–346.
L. Klein, “Functionalized CFRP Structures: LCM application for the integration of automotive sensors,” Graz, Austria, 24-Sep-2015, presented at Polymer Processing Society Conference (PPS 2015), Graz, Austria.
L. Klein, “Integration von Automobilsensoren mittels LCM-Verfahren,” Chemnitz, 12-Nov-2015, presented at 24th International Specialist Conference on the Processing and Application of Polymers (Technomer 2015), Chemnitz.
L. Klein and P. Middendorf, “Automobilsensoren: Eigenschaften einer Sensorintegration mittels Liquid Composite Molding,” in Technomer 2015 : 24. Fachtagung über Verarbeitung und Anwendung von Polymeren, 12. und 13. November 2015, Chemnitz, 2015.
L. Klein and P. Middendorf, “Functionalized Lightweight Parts: Application of LCM for the Integration of Automotive Sensors in CFRP Structures,” in Proceedings of Polymer Processing Society Conference (PPS 2015), Graz, Austria, 2015. Link
L. Klein and P. Middendorf, “Novel Integration Concepts for Automotive Sensors in Composite Structures,” in Proceedings of the Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers 2015 (ANTEC 2015), Orlando, Florida (USA), 2015.
L. Klein and P. Middendorf, “Sensoren kompatibel machen: Integrationsansätze für Automobilsensorik im Faserverbundleichtbau,” Hannover, 17.04-2015, presented at 15. Werkstoff-Forum, Hannover.
B. Lehmann, S. K. Selvarayan, R. Ghomeshi, and G. T. Gresser, “Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite – Toughness and Structural Integrity Enhancement by Integrating Surface Modified Steel Fibers,” Materials Science Forum, vol. 825–826, pp. 425–432, Jul. 2015. Link
T. Sommer-Dittrich, S. Vohrer, and A. Schumann, “ARENA2036 – FRP Lightweight Design by Functional integration: Challenges concerning an integrative FRP floor module,” in Conference proceedings / 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference : IMTC 2015 Lightweight Structures, Chemnitz, Germany, 2015, pp. 383–384. Link
S. Vohrer, "Multifunktionale Karosseriestrukturen aus CFK - Leichtbaukonzepte in der ARENA2036". 2015.
S. Vohrer, G. Kopp, S. Rothenberg, and H. Friedrich, “ARENA2036 – FRP Lightweight Design by Functional integration: Method and Concepts,” in Conference proceedings / 2nd International MERGE Technologies Conference : IMTC 2015 Lightweight Structures, Chemnitz, Germany, 2015, pp. 397–400. Link
S. Vohrer, M. Münster, E. Chowson, G. Kopp, and H. E. Friedrich, “Functionally integrated FRP vehicle body structures – floor module concepts in ARENA2036,” presented at 1st International Composites Congress (ICC), Stuttgart, Deutschland, 2015. Link
J. Dittmann, M. Elwert, and P. Middendorf, “Permeability determination of resistive welded carbon fabrics,” presented at 12th International Conference on Flow Processing in Composite Materials (FPCM 12), Enschede, Netherlands, 2014. Link
L. Klein, “Automobilsensorik im funktionellen Leichtbau – Contradictio in adiecto?,” Düsseldorf, 7.10-2014, presented at Internationale AVK-Tagung für faserverstärkte Kunststoffe/ Composites, Düsseldorf.