Digital Transformation
& Entrepreneurship.
Opportunities and challenges of new digital technologies in the context of Industry 4.0.
Prof. Alexander Brem & Dr. Ferran Giones
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science
Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship
Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship
The digital transformation of industrial companies is an exciting journey, digital technologies open opportunities to rethink business models, enrich existing products, and create new data-based services.
Interdisciplinary approaches and perspectives
This process needs an interdisciplinary approach and perspective, which is rooted in the DNA of the ARENA2036. Hence, in this TECH-Bereich of Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship, the partners of ARENA2036 explore the managerial implications of digitalization, with particular attention to new forms of collaboration with startups and the future of industrial innovation ecosystems. The focus is on the managerial perspective on the impact (opportunities and challenges) that emerging digital technologies, including the I 4.0 technologies.
To capture the broadness of possibilities (as in variety of future scenarios) and leverage the quickly evolving capabilities of the tools (the digital technologies), the TECH-Bereich promotes activities to share and learn about ongoing trends, new insights, and validated use-cases among industrial partners. We include in these research and innovation activities startups that could accelerate the transformation, or reshape our existing technology and market structures.
You can find about upcoming events and also recent contributions from the members of the TECH-Bereich:
Upcoming Events
Presentation of a special issue on corporate-startup collaboration at Industry & Innovation journal (November 2021).
Past events
Track session at R&D Management Conference with industry and academic partners (July 2021).
Startup Autobahn EXPO 10 breakout session on digital innovation projects (July 2021)
Breakfast session at Startup Autobahn Industrial Partners organizing for Digital Innovation (May 2021).
Startup Autobahn EXPO 9 session on the challenges of organizing digital innovation, outcomes vs processes (Feb 2021).
Speaker Series events hosted by ARENA2036, Startup Autobahn, and the ENI Institute (June 2021).
Launch of Einst4ine (EU project/MSCA-ITN) project on Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0 (Sept 2020).
Recent research outputs in this TECH-Bereich
Danuso, A., Giones, F., & da Silva, E. R. (2021). The digital transformation of industrial players: A guide. Business Horizons.
Nylund, P. A., Brem, A., & Agarwal, N. (2021). Enabling technologies mitigating climate change: The role of dominant designs in environmental innovation ecosystems. Technovation, 102271.
Rohn, D., Bican, P. M., Brem, A., Kraus, S., & Clauss, T. (2021). Digital platform-based business models–An exploration of critical success factors. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 60, 101625.
Brem, A., Viardot, E., & Nylund, P. A. (2021). Implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak for innovation: Which technologies will improve our lives?Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 163, 120451.
Bican, P. M., & Brem, A. (2020). Digital Business Model, Digital Transformation, Digital Entrepreneurship: Is There A Sustainable “Digital”?. Sustainability, 12(13), 5239.
Giones, F., Brem, A., Pollack, J. M., Michaelis, T. L., Klyver, K., & Brinckmann, J. (2020). Revising entrepreneurial action in response to exogenous shocks: Considering the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14.
Clauss, T., Kraus, S., Kallinger, F. L., Bican, P. M., Brem, A., & Kailer, N. (2020). Organizational ambidexterity and competitive advantage: The role of strategic agility in the exploration-exploitation paradox. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
Battisti, S., & Brem, A. (2020). Digital entrepreneurs in technology-based spinoffs: an analysis of hybrid value creation in retail public–private partnerships to tackle showrooming. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
Dąbrowska, J., Almpanopoulou, A., Brem, A., Chesbrough, H., Cucino, V., Di Minin, A., Giones, F., Hakala, H., Marullo, C., Mention, A., Mortara, L., Nørskov, S., Nylund, P. A., Oddo, C. M., Radziwon, A., & Ritala, P. (2022). Digital transformation, for better or worse: A critical multi‐level research agenda. R&D Management, radm.12531.