Asset Administration Shell: AAS Expert Network Meeting
ARENA2036 (Pfaffenwaldring 19, 70569 Stuttgart)
more infos & registration Asset Administration Shell: AAS Expert Network Meeting
Events around ARENA2036, from our partners, for our partners etc.
Asset Administration Shell: AAS Expert Network Meeting
ARENA2036 (Pfaffenwaldring 19, 70569 Stuttgart)
more infos & registration Asset Administration Shell: AAS Expert Network Meeting
European Robotics Forum 2025
Wiring Harness Innovation Forum 2025
ARENA2036 (Pfaffenwaldring 19, 70569 Stuttgart)
more infos & registration Wiring Harness Innovation Forum 2025
Fourth Eclipse Tractus-X Community Days
ARENA2036 (Pfaffenwaldring 19, 70569 Stuttgart)
more infos & registration Fourth Eclipse Tractus-X Community Days
Bordnetze Digital 2025
ARENA2036 (Pfaffenwaldring 19, 70569 Stuttgart)
On 05.04.2022, the Innovation Initiative Wire Harness (IILS) invites you to the annual forum in the ARENA2036 from 13:00 am. The individual subprojects will present themselves with their current work priorities in the IILS and give an outlook on the planned activities. The forum is open to all interested parties. Please register below.
^ array:83 [ "id" => 55 "pid" => 4 "tstamp" => 1646821257 "headline" => "Innovation Initiative Wire Harness – Forum 2022" "alias" => "innovation-initiative-wire-harness-forum-2022" "author" => null "date" => "05.04.2022 13:00" "time" => 1649156400 "subheadline" => "" "teaser" => "<p>On 05.04.2022, the Innovation Initiative Wire Harness (IILS) invites you to the annual forum in the ARENA2036 from 13:00 am. The individual subprojects will present themselves with their current work priorities in the IILS and give an outlook on the planned activities. The forum is open to all interested parties. Please register below.</p>" "addImage" => true "overwriteMeta" => "" "singleSRC" => "files/FinaleBilder/05_Veranstaltungen/KachelILSenglisch-2.jpg" "alt" => "" "imageTitle" => "" "size" => "a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";}" "imagemargin" => "a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";}" "imageUrl" => "" "fullsize" => true "caption" => "" "floating" => "above" "addEnclosure" => "" "enclosure" => [] "source" => "external" "jumpTo" => 102 "articleId" => 0 "url" => "" "target" => "1" "cssClass" => "" "noComments" => "" "featured" => "" "published" => "1" "start" => "" "stop" => "" "description" => null "pageTitle" => "" "slickCustomTpl" => "" "slickgalleryTpl" => "slick_default" "slickNumberOfItems" => 0 "slickFullsize" => "" "slickSize" => "" "slickUseHomeDir" => "" "slickSortBy" => "" "slickOrderSRC" => null "slickMultiSRC" => null "addGallery" => "" "languageMain" => 0 "robots" => "" "class" => " first even" "newsHeadline" => "Innovation Initiative Wire Harness – Forum 2022" "subHeadline" => "" "hasSubHeadline" => false "linkHeadline" => "<a href="" title="Read more on" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Innovation Initiative Wire Harness – Forum 2022</a>" "more" => "<a href="" title="Read more on" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read more …</a>" "link" => "" "archive" => Contao\NewsArchiveModel {#1194 #arrData: array:16 [ "id" => 4 "tstamp" => 1608303926 "title" => "Veranstaltungen [en]" "jumpTo" => 176 "protected" => "" "groups" => null "allowComments" => "" "notify" => "notify_admin" "sortOrder" => "ascending" "perPage" => 0 "moderate" => "" "bbcode" => "" "requireLogin" => "" "disableCaptcha" => "" "slickConfig" => 2 "master" => 0 ] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: array:3 [ "jumpTo" => array:4 [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "groups" => array:4 [ "table" => "tl_member_group" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasMany" "load" => "lazy" ] "master" => array:3 [ "table" => "tl_news_archive" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" ] ] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "count" => 1 "text" => true "hasText" => true "hasTeaser" => true "hasReader" => false "hasMetaFields" => true "numberOfComments" => null "commentCount" => null "timestamp" => 1649156400 "authorModel" => null "datetime" => "2022-04-05T13:00:00+02:00" "addBefore" => true "picture" => array:3 [ "img" => array:5 [ "srcset" => "assets/images/8/KachelILSenglisch-2-b33ecd4e.jpg" "src" => "assets/images/8/KachelILSenglisch-2-b33ecd4e.jpg" "width" => 482 "height" => 275 "hasSingleAspectRatio" => true ] "sources" => [] "alt" => "" ] "width" => 1558 "height" => 1042 "arrSize" => array:7 [ 0 => 482 1 => 275 2 => 2 3 => "width="482" height="275"" "bits" => 8 "channels" => 3 "mime" => "image/jpeg" ] "imgSize" => " width="482" height="275"" "src" => "assets/images/8/KachelILSenglisch-2-b33ecd4e.jpg" "margin" => "" "license" => "" "uuid" => "9152a4bc-899f-11ec-a32b-263112e97d6e" "href" => "" "attributes" => " target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"" "linkTitle" => "Read the article: Innovation Initiative Wire Harness – Forum 2022" "floatClass" => " float_above" "figure" => Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\Figure {#1199 -image: Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\ImageResult {#1214 -locator: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#842 -externalId: null -container: null -factories: array:7 [ "contao.assets.files_context" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.assets.files_context" 2 => "getContao_Assets_FilesContextService" 3 => true ] "contao.framework" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.framework" 2 => "getContao_FrameworkService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.factory" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.factory" 2 => "getContao_Image_FactoryService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.legacy_resizer" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.legacy_resizer" 2 => "getContao_Image_LegacyResizerService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.picture_factory" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.picture_factory" 2 => "getContao_Image_PictureFactoryService" 3 => false ] "" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "" 2 => "getContao_Image_StudioService" 3 => true ] "event_dispatcher" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "event_dispatcher" 2 => "getEventDispatcherService" 3 => false ] ] -loading: [] -providedTypes: null -factory: ContainerJADT3mI\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer::getService($registry, string $id, ?string $method, $load) {#161 : ContainerJADT3mI\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer {#162 …} } -serviceMap: array:7 [ "contao.assets.files_context" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.assets.files_context" 2 => "getContao_Assets_FilesContextService" 3 => true ] "contao.framework" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.framework" 2 => "getContao_FrameworkService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.factory" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.factory" 2 => "getContao_Image_FactoryService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.legacy_resizer" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.legacy_resizer" 2 => "getContao_Image_LegacyResizerService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.picture_factory" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.picture_factory" 2 => "getContao_Image_PictureFactoryService" 3 => false ] "" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "" 2 => "getContao_Image_StudioService" 3 => true ] "event_dispatcher" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "event_dispatcher" 2 => "getEventDispatcherService" 3 => false ] ] -serviceTypes: array:7 [ "contao.assets.files_context" => "?" "contao.framework" => "?" "contao.image.factory" => "?" "contao.image.legacy_resizer" => "?" "contao.image.picture_factory" => "?" "" => "?" "event_dispatcher" => "?" ] } -resizeOptions: null -projectDir: "/kunden/375609_72474/rp-hosting/200790/70/contao" -filePathOrImageInterface: "/kunden/375609_72474/rp-hosting/200790/70/contao/files/FinaleBilder/05_Veranstaltungen/KachelILSenglisch-2.jpg" -sizeConfiguration: "a:3:{i:0;s:3:"482";i:1;s:3:"275";i:2;s:13:"center_center";}" -picture: Contao\Image\Picture {#1233 -img: array:5 [ "srcset" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ 0 => Contao\Image\DeferredImage {#1236 #path: "/kunden/375609_72474/rp-hosting/200790/70/contao/assets/images/8/KachelILSenglisch-2-b33ecd4e.jpg" #dimensions: Contao\Image\ImageDimensions {#1237 -size: Imagine\Image\Box {#1180 -width: 482 -height: 275 } -orientation: 1 -relative: false -undefined: false } #imagine: Imagine\Imagick\Imagine {#808 -metadataReader: null -classFactory: null } -importantPart: null } ] ] "src" => Contao\Image\DeferredImage {#1236} "width" => 482 "height" => 275 "hasSingleAspectRatio" => true ] -sources: [] } -originalDimensions: Contao\Image\ImageDimensions {#1217 -size: Imagine\Image\Box {#1218 -width: 1558 -height: 1042 } -orientation: 1 -relative: false -undefined: false } } -metadata: Contao\CoreBundle\File\Metadata {#1211 -values: array:6 [ "title" => "" "alt" => "" "link" => "" "caption" => "" "license" => "" "uuid" => "9152a4bc-899f-11ec-a32b-263112e97d6e" ] -schemaOrgJsonLd: null } -linkAttributes: array:4 [ "target" => "_blank" "href" => "" "title" => "Read the article: Innovation Initiative Wire Harness – Forum 2022" "rel" => "noreferrer noopener" ] -lightbox: null -options: [] } "getSchemaOrgData" => Closure(): array {#1219 : "array" : "Contao\ModuleNewsList" : { : Contao\FrontendTemplate {#1191 …} : Contao\NewsModel {#1198 …} } } ]
The Design Factory at the research campus ARENA2036 celebrates its first anniversary after two successful semesters, with over 50 students, ten challenges and twelve resulting prototypes. The next semester is already waiting in the wings: last applications from industry partners for a challenge in the winter semester are still being accepted.
Read more … Design Factory celebrates its first anniversary
^ array:83 [ "id" => 51 "pid" => 4 "tstamp" => 1628080129 "headline" => "Design Factory celebrates its first anniversary" "alias" => "design-factory-celebrates-its-first-anniversary" "author" => null "date" => "02.08.2021 09:38" "time" => 1627889880 "subheadline" => "" "teaser" => "<p>The Design Factory at the research campus ARENA2036 celebrates its first anniversary after two successful semesters, with over 50 students, ten challenges and twelve resulting prototypes. The next semester is already waiting in the wings: last applications from industry partners for a challenge in the winter semester are still being accepted.</p>" "addImage" => true "overwriteMeta" => "" "singleSRC" => "files/FinaleBilder/05_Veranstaltungen/Juli_Aktuelles_Design_Factory_Jubilaeum.jpg" "alt" => "" "imageTitle" => "" "size" => "a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";}" "imagemargin" => "a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";}" "imageUrl" => "" "fullsize" => false "caption" => "" "floating" => "above" "addEnclosure" => "" "enclosure" => [] "source" => "internal" "jumpTo" => 239 "articleId" => 0 "url" => "" "target" => "1" "cssClass" => "" "noComments" => "" "featured" => "" "published" => "1" "start" => "" "stop" => "" "description" => null "pageTitle" => "" "slickCustomTpl" => "" "slickgalleryTpl" => "slick_default" "slickNumberOfItems" => 0 "slickFullsize" => "" "slickSize" => "" "slickUseHomeDir" => "" 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"hasSingleAspectRatio" => true ] "sources" => [] "alt" => "" ] "width" => 2000 "height" => 1335 "arrSize" => array:7 [ 0 => 482 1 => 275 2 => 2 3 => "width="482" height="275"" "bits" => 8 "channels" => 3 "mime" => "image/jpeg" ] "imgSize" => " width="482" height="275"" "src" => "assets/images/0/Juli_Aktuelles_Design_Factory_Jubilaeum-0661fecf.jpg" "margin" => "" "license" => "" "uuid" => "41923a99-f51f-11eb-840a-4ee805d9158b" "href" => "en/design-factory-one-year-anniversary" "attributes" => "" "linkTitle" => "Read the article: Design Factory celebrates its first anniversary" "floatClass" => " float_above" "figure" => Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\Figure {#1248 -image: Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\ImageResult {#1232 -locator: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#842 -externalId: null -container: null -factories: array:7 [ "contao.assets.files_context" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.assets.files_context" 2 => 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"contao.framework" => "?" "contao.image.factory" => "?" "contao.image.legacy_resizer" => "?" "contao.image.picture_factory" => "?" "" => "?" 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On 11 November, the Speaker Series enters into the fourth round. This time, the focus is on founder stories in aeronautics. Here is your chance to get to know some of the most respected personalities from the startup world. Founders, investors, and University of Stuttgart Alumni join us to give you unique insights into an exciting world that is waiting for your entrepreneurial spirit!
^ array:83 [ "id" => 43 "pid" => 4 "tstamp" => 1612440154 "headline" => "Speaker Series Round IV" "alias" => "speaker-series-round-iv-2" "author" => null "date" => "04.02.2021 13:00" "time" => 1612440000 "subheadline" => "" "teaser" => """ <p>On 11 November, the Speaker Series enters into the fourth round. This time, the focus is on founder stories in aeronautics. Here is your chance to get to know some of the most respected personalities from the startup world. Founders, investors, and University of Stuttgart Alumni join us to give you unique insights into an exciting world that is waiting for your entrepreneurial spirit!</p>\n <p> </p> """ "addImage" => true "overwriteMeta" => "" "singleSRC" => "files/FinaleBilder/05_Veranstaltungen/SpeakerSeriesTeaserRoundFour.jpg" "alt" => "" "imageTitle" => "" "size" => "a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";}" "imagemargin" => "a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";}" "imageUrl" => "" "fullsize" => true "caption" => "" "floating" => "above" "addEnclosure" => "" "enclosure" => [] "source" => "external" "jumpTo" => 0 "articleId" => 0 "url" => "" "target" => "1" "cssClass" => "" "noComments" => "" "featured" => "" "published" => "1" "start" => "" "stop" => "" "description" => null "pageTitle" => "" "slickCustomTpl" => "" "slickgalleryTpl" => "slick_default" "slickNumberOfItems" => 0 "slickFullsize" => "" "slickSize" => "" "slickUseHomeDir" => "" "slickSortBy" => "" "slickOrderSRC" => null "slickMultiSRC" => null "addGallery" => "" "languageMain" => 0 "robots" => "" "class" => " even" "newsHeadline" => "Speaker Series Round IV" "subHeadline" => "" "hasSubHeadline" => false "linkHeadline" => "<a href="" title="Read more on" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Speaker Series Round IV</a>" "more" => "<a href="" title="Read more on" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read more …</a>" "link" => "" "archive" => Contao\NewsArchiveModel {#1194 #arrData: array:16 [ "id" => 4 "tstamp" => 1608303926 "title" => "Veranstaltungen [en]" "jumpTo" => 176 "protected" => "" "groups" => null "allowComments" => "" "notify" => "notify_admin" "sortOrder" => "ascending" "perPage" => 0 "moderate" => "" "bbcode" => "" "requireLogin" => "" "disableCaptcha" => "" "slickConfig" => 2 "master" => 0 ] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: array:3 [ "jumpTo" => array:4 [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "groups" 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The SCAP series addresses advances across a wide range of technologies for future automotive production environments within 5 tracks.
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"contao.framework" => "?" "contao.image.factory" => "?" "contao.image.legacy_resizer" => "?" "contao.image.picture_factory" => "?" "" => "?" 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On November 5th, Speaker Series entered round three! In this round, the focus was laid on the founders stories. The speakers were Veera Johnson, co-founder of Circulor, Linda Emmerich, co-founder of EMECTRIC Tailored Batteries, Adrian Thoma, co-founder of Gründermotor and more! The date for the next round is already set: on February 11th, 2021. Get your FREE ticket by following the link below.
^ array:83 [ "id" => 33 "pid" => 4 "tstamp" => 1607350945 "headline" => "Speaker Series Round III" "alias" => "Speaker-series-round-three-en" "author" => null "date" => "05.11.2020 17:00" "time" => 1604592000 "subheadline" => "" "teaser" => "<p>On November 5th, Speaker Series entered round three! In this round, the focus was laid on the founders stories. The speakers were Veera Johnson, co-founder of Circulor, Linda Emmerich, co-founder of EMECTRIC Tailored Batteries, Adrian Thoma, co-founder of Gründermotor and more! The date for the next round is already set: on February 11th, 2021. Get your FREE ticket by following the link below.</p>" "addImage" => true "overwriteMeta" => "" "singleSRC" => "files/FinaleBilder/05_Veranstaltungen/SpeakerSeriesTeaserRoundThree.jpg" "alt" => "" "imageTitle" => "" "size" => "a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";}" "imagemargin" => "a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";}" "imageUrl" => "" "fullsize" => true "caption" => "" "floating" => "above" "addEnclosure" => "" "enclosure" => [] "source" => "external" "jumpTo" => 0 "articleId" => 0 "url" => "" "target" => "1" "cssClass" => "" "noComments" => "" "featured" => "" "published" => "1" "start" => "" "stop" => "" "description" => null "pageTitle" => "" "slickCustomTpl" => "" "slickgalleryTpl" => "slick_default" "slickNumberOfItems" => 0 "slickFullsize" => "" "slickSize" => "" "slickUseHomeDir" => "" "slickSortBy" => "" "slickOrderSRC" => null "slickMultiSRC" => null "addGallery" => "" "languageMain" => 0 "robots" => "" "class" => " even" "newsHeadline" => "Speaker Series Round III" "subHeadline" => "" "hasSubHeadline" => false "linkHeadline" => "<a href="" title="Read more on" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Speaker Series Round III</a>" "more" => "<a href="" title="Read more on" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Read more …</a>" "link" => "" "archive" => Contao\NewsArchiveModel {#1194 #arrData: array:16 [ "id" => 4 "tstamp" => 1608303926 "title" => "Veranstaltungen [en]" "jumpTo" => 176 "protected" => "" "groups" => null "allowComments" => "" "notify" => "notify_admin" "sortOrder" => "ascending" "perPage" => 0 "moderate" => "" "bbcode" => "" "requireLogin" => "" "disableCaptcha" => "" "slickConfig" => 2 "master" => 0 ] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: array:3 [ "jumpTo" => array:4 [ "table" => "tl_page" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasOne" "load" => "lazy" ] "groups" => array:4 [ "table" => "tl_member_group" "field" => "id" "type" => "hasMany" "load" => "lazy" ] "master" => array:3 [ "table" 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"c265f3a3-1e7c-11eb-86b3-ae999c74b244" "href" => "" "attributes" => " target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"" "linkTitle" => "Read the article: Speaker Series Round III" "floatClass" => " float_above" "figure" => Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\Figure {#1297 -image: Contao\CoreBundle\Image\Studio\ImageResult {#1298 -locator: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#842 -externalId: null -container: null -factories: array:7 [ "contao.assets.files_context" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.assets.files_context" 2 => "getContao_Assets_FilesContextService" 3 => true ] "contao.framework" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.framework" 2 => "getContao_FrameworkService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.factory" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.factory" 2 => "getContao_Image_FactoryService" 3 => false ] "contao.image.legacy_resizer" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "contao.image.legacy_resizer" 2 => "getContao_Image_LegacyResizerService" 3 => 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"contao.framework" => "?" "contao.image.factory" => "?" "contao.image.legacy_resizer" => "?" "contao.image.picture_factory" => "?" "" => "?" "event_dispatcher" => "?" ] } -resizeOptions: null -projectDir: "/kunden/375609_72474/rp-hosting/200790/70/contao" -filePathOrImageInterface: "/kunden/375609_72474/rp-hosting/200790/70/contao/files/FinaleBilder/05_Veranstaltungen/SpeakerSeriesTeaserRoundThree.jpg" -sizeConfiguration: "a:3:{i:0;s:3:"482";i:1;s:3:"275";i:2;s:13:"center_center";}" -picture: Contao\Image\Picture {#1255 -img: array:5 [ "srcset" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ 0 => Contao\Image\DeferredImage {#1300 #path: "/kunden/375609_72474/rp-hosting/200790/70/contao/assets/images/7/SpeakerSeriesTeaserRoundThree-6c5b073c.jpg" #dimensions: Contao\Image\ImageDimensions {#1292 -size: Imagine\Image\Box {#1273 -width: 482 -height: 275 } -orientation: 1 -relative: false -undefined: false } #imagine: Imagine\Imagick\Imagine {#808 -metadataReader: null -classFactory: null } -importantPart: null } ] ] "src" => Contao\Image\DeferredImage {#1300} "width" => 482 "height" => 275 "hasSingleAspectRatio" => true ] -sources: [] } -originalDimensions: Contao\Image\ImageDimensions {#1289 -size: Imagine\Image\Box {#1263 -width: 1667 -height: 1042 } -orientation: 1 -relative: false -undefined: false } } -metadata: Contao\CoreBundle\File\Metadata {#1295 -values: array:6 [ "title" => "" "alt" => "" "link" => "" "caption" => "" "license" => "" "uuid" => "c265f3a3-1e7c-11eb-86b3-ae999c74b244" ] -schemaOrgJsonLd: null } -linkAttributes: array:4 [ "target" => "_blank" "href" => "" "title" => "Read the article: Speaker Series Round III" "rel" => "noreferrer noopener" ] -lightbox: null -options: [] } "getSchemaOrgData" => Closure(): array {#1245 : "array" : "Contao\ModuleNewsList" : { : Contao\FrontendTemplate {#1268 …} : Contao\NewsModel {#1201 …} } } ]
What does Jeff Burton - CEO of Woodside Creek Ventures, Co-founder of Electronic Arts (EA) and Konrad Wenzel - CEO and founder of nFrames in common?
They both joined in our virtual speaker series on July 6th!
^ array:83 [ "id" => 31 "pid" => 4 "tstamp" => 1596195833 "headline" => "Speaker Series Round II" "alias" => "speaker-series-round-two-en" "author" => null "date" => "06.07.2020 10:53" "time" => 1594025580 "subheadline" => "" "teaser" => """ <p>What does Jeff Burton - CEO of Woodside Creek Ventures, Co-founder of <a class="profileLink" href="" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=166017440077505&extragetparams=%7B%22eid%22%3A%22ARBVR6wmPmQSnHpM2mCntTtTtkgh0vNMa28Ox3fZA4ETgcHZGB7LvUNs-m5KDYcdbXCsK-URooYIiIcz%22%2C%22fref%22%3A%22tag%22%7D" data-hovercard-prefer-more-content-show="1">Electronic Arts</a> (EA) and Konrad Wenzel - CEO and founder of <a class="profileLink" href="" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=788875831152780&extragetparams=%7B%22eid%22%3A%22ARCAX9deR5YFfSsZv2kJpafdwlc2o3F9ieVJUA-VpDR3YmlRPFf9G2YIBdUCMZEShBmDO-2KVp4_Jf1U%22%2C%22fref%22%3A%22tag%22%7D" data-hovercard-prefer-more-content-show="1">nFrames</a> in common? <br>They both joined in our virtual speaker series on July 6th!</p>\n <p> </p> """ "addImage" => true "overwriteMeta" => "" "singleSRC" => "files/FinaleBilder/05_Veranstaltungen/TeaserSpeakerSeriesRoudnTwo.jpg" "alt" => "" "imageTitle" => "" "size" => "a:3:{i:0;s:0:"";i:1;s:0:"";i:2;s:0:"";}" "imagemargin" => "a:5:{s:6:"bottom";s:0:"";s:4:"left";s:0:"";s:5:"right";s:0:"";s:3:"top";s:0:"";s:4:"unit";s:0:"";}" "imageUrl" => "" "fullsize" => false "caption" => "" "floating" => "above" "addEnclosure" => "" "enclosure" => [] "source" => "default" "jumpTo" => 0 "articleId" => 0 "url" => "" "target" => "" "cssClass" => "" "noComments" => "" "featured" => "" "published" => "1" "start" => "" "stop" => "" "description" => null "pageTitle" => "" "slickCustomTpl" => "" "slickgalleryTpl" => "slick_default" "slickNumberOfItems" => 0 "slickFullsize" => "" "slickSize" => "" "slickUseHomeDir" => "" "slickSortBy" => "" "slickOrderSRC" => null "slickMultiSRC" => null "addGallery" => "" "languageMain" => 0 "robots" => "" "class" => " last 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