Use of development and in-service data for product optimisation


Jörg Dittmann
Department for Aircraft Design, University of Stuttgart
Jörg Dittmann is project coordinator of the DFA project and responsible for the virtual infiltration of the demonstrator component. Additionally, he is an expert in the field of numerical permeability determination and one of the group leaders of the simulation group at the Institute of Aircraft Design, University of Stuttgart.
Phone: +49 (0) 711 685-68484
Digital product development
On the way to the digital product
The vision of the tech area “Digital Product Development” is to develop the product of tomorrow with virtually predicted test data and to optimize it through in-service data.
On-site development with a spirit of the future
One approach to meet the future goals is to include the future into the on-site development. Here, the proximity to the campus Stuttgart and the students is used in order to develop new innovative ideas. The Student Challenge is a great opportunity where students and ARENA2036 partners benefit equally.
Digital Product Development - Student Challenge

In this tech area, an interdisciplinary key qualification is offered once a year in the summer semester for all students from the University of Stuttgart (including international students). It will start in the summer semester of 2021.
The question of the challenge changes every year and is determined by a review board from industry and science.

Requirements for the student teams
+ Independent work in interdisciplinary teams
+ Finding and developing new, unusual, disruptive approaches to solve the challenges
+ Scientific team documentation of the results
+ Technical team presentation in front of peer review panel
Advantages for students
+ Larger network when looking for a job
+ A mentor in the ARENA2036 environment
+ Current science challenges related to industrial application
+ New FÜSQ / Credit – opportunity
Uni registration phase: 08.03.2021 - 23.03.2021
Uni allocation phase: 24.03.2021 - 25.03.2021
Uni registration phase: 26.03.2021 - 07.04.2021
Uni allocation phase: 08.04.2021 - 09.04.2021
23.04.21 Official START of the Challenge (14-17 o'clock)
05.21.21 - 1st feedback round with tech area partners
25.06.21 - 2nd feedback round with tech area partners
09.07.21 - 3rd feedback round with tech area partners
23.07.21 Final presentation and evaluation by Tech area partner jury

Possible Challenges
- Reduction of waste by inline process monitoring and adjustment
- Customer and application specific component selection
- Virtual “TÜV”
- Automated component and process evolution